IDENTITY & BIometric solutions

Secure Biometric Authentication Solutions

Identity and biometric solutions provide seamless authentication with advanced detection for face, voice, and documents. These features enhance secure document management, license plate systems, and passport and border control, helping to solve crimes, prevent fraud, and protect identities with ease and reliability.

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why it matters

addressing critical challenges

of ID fraud involved in the reproduction of an original document.
$3.2 T
lost within the global economy due to the forgery of documents.
of all identity document fraud is classed as "Medium" sophisticated fraud.
End-to-end Biometric Solutions


Secure Documents and Certifications

Comprehensive solution to combat counterfeiting in critical documents, using advanced encryption, tamper-evident features, and blockchain technology to ensure integrity and authenticity.

Passport Solutions

A fully integrated ePassport solution, covering everything from issuing highly secure biometric passports to enrollment and fortified border control security measures.

Identity Documents and Solutions

Being experts in custom secure ID solutions, we empower governments to enhance security standards, implement electronic applications, and foster greater civic engagement.

Vehicle License Management

We empower governments with tailored driving license solutions, offering secure issuance and streamlined enrollment to enhance road safety and compliance.

Border & Travel Management

Advanced solutions for border management, visa processing, and document validation, ensuring secure and efficient operations for border agencies, governments, and airports.

empowering trust through

Enhanced Security and Data Privacy

customized solutions for all INDUSTRIES

Improved compliance with regulatory compliements

Mitigation of biometric fraud

Simple & real-time document verification

Integration with all types of existing platforms